Coding on & Orchestrate.js & Orchestrate.NET

First context, then I’ll dive in.


Orchestrate is a service that provides a simple API to access a multitude of database types all in one location. Key value, graph or events, some of the database types I’ve been using, are but a few they’ve already made available. There are many more on the way. Having these databases available via an API instead of needing to go through the arduous process of setting up and maintaining each database for each type of data structure is a massive time saver! On top of having a clean API and solid database platform and infrastructure Orchestrate has a number of client drivers that provide easy to use wrappers. These client drivers are available for a number of languages. Below I’ve written about two of these that I’ve been involved with in some way over the last couple of months.


This library I’m currently using for a demonstration application built against the services (follow us on twitter ya! @BeDeconstructed), a startup I’m co-founding. I’m not sure exactly what the app will be, but being .NET it’ll be something enterprisey. Because: .NET is Enterprise! For more on this project check out the Blog.

Some of the latest updates with this library.

But there’s still a bit of work to do for the library, so consider this a call out for anybody that has a cycle they’d like to throw in on the project, let us know. We’d happily take a few more pull requests!  The main two things we’d like to have done real soon are…


With the latest fixes, additions and updates the orchestrate.js client driver is getting more feature rich by the day. In addition @housejester has created an orchestrate-brain project for Hubot that uses Orchestrate.js. If you’re not familiar with Hubot, but sure to check out the company robot that can dramatically improve and reduce employee efficiency! Keep an eye on that project for more great things, or create a Hubot to keep a robotic eye on the project.

Here are a few key things to note that have been added to help in day-to-day coding on the project.

  • The travis.yml file has been added for the Travis Continuous Integration build. This build runs against node.js v0.10 and v0.8.
  • Testing is done with mocha, expect.js and nock. To get the tests up and running, clone the repo and then build with the make file. The tests will run in tdd format.
  • Promises are provided via the kew library.

If you’re opening up the project in WebStorm, it’s great to setup the mocha tests with the integrated mocha testing as shown below. After you’ve cloned the project and run ‘npm install’ then follow these steps to add the Mocha testing to the project. We’ve already setup exclusions in the .gitignore for the .idea directory and files that WebStorm uses.

First add a configuration by clicking on Edit Configurations.

Edit Configurations
Edit Configurations

Next click on the + to add a new configuration to run. Select the Mocha option from the list of configurations.

Mocha & Other Configurations in WebStorm
Mocha & Other Configurations in WebStorm

On the next screen set a name for the configuration. Set the test directory to the path for the test directory in the project. Then finally set the User interface option for Mocha to TDD instead of the default BDD.

Edit Configuration Dialog
Edit Configuration Dialog

Last but not least run the tests and you’ll see the list of green lights light up the display with positive results.

Test Build
Test Build

In-memory Orchestrate Local Development Database

I was talking with Tory Adams @BEZEI2K about working with Orchestrate‘s Services. We’re totally sold on what they offer and are looking forward to a lot of the technology that is in the works. The day to day building against Orchestrate is super easy, and setting up collections for dev or test or whatever are so easy nothing has stood in our way. Except one thing…

Every once in a while we have to work disconnected. For whatever the reason might be; Comcast cable goes out, we decide to jump on a train or one of us ends up on one of those Q400 puddle jumpers that doesn’t have wifi! But regardless of being disconnected from wifi, cable or internet connectivity we still want to be able to code and test!

In Memory Orchestrate Wrapper

Enter the idea of creating an in memory Orchestrate database wrapper. Using something like convict.js one could easily redirect all the connections as necessary when developing locally. That way development continues right along and when the application is pushed live, it’s redirected to the appropriate Orchestrate connections and keys!

This in memory “fake” or “mock” would need to have the key value, events, and graph store setup just like Orchestrate. With the possibility of having this in memory one could also easily write tests against a real fake and be able to test connected or disconnected without mocking. Not to say that’s a good or bad idea, but just one more tool in the tool chest doesn’t hurt!

If something like this doesn’t pop up in the next week or three, I might just have to kick off this project myself! If anybody is interested please reach out to me and let’s discuss! I’m open to writing it in JavaScript, C#, Java or whatever poison pill you’d prefer. (I’m not polyglot to limit my options!!)

Other Ideas, Development Shop Swap

Another idea that I’ve been pondering is setting up a development shop swap. I’ll leave the reader to determine what that means!  😉  Feel free to throw down ideas that this might bring up and I’ll incorporate that into the soon to be implementation. I’ll have more information about that idea right here once the project gets rolling. In the meantime, happy coding!

Going Live, Data & Pricing @ Orchestrate

Over the last few months while working on the prototype around Deconstructed I’ve been using the Orchestrate service offering exclusively. With their service around key value and graph store easily accessible via API it was a no brainer to get started building ASAP. Today, that service goes full beta! You can get the full lowdown at the Orchestrate site.

You might recall that I mentioned Orchestrate a while back when they lept into the PIE Class a few months ago. So here’s a few quick thoughts on the release and what Orchestrate is.

The basic premise is Orchestrate provides full-text search, time ordered events, graph, key value storage and a lot more. All of these capabilities are offered via an API that create a product that’s extremely easy to get started. Think about what you’d need to do to get full-text search against a key value setup. Really think about it. Yeah? That’s a lot of steps. With Orchestrate you just sign up and start using it. Think about setting up a graph store and managing it on production systems. Yeah? Lot’s of work once it gets used. Again, just sign up, it’s all there, the graph to the key value to the event series and more. All the NoSQL juice you need located in a single service so you’re not fighting and maintaining multiple databases, nodes or whatever you’re working with.

Sing up. Use.

I will copy one thing from the press release….

  • Ad hoc search queries with Lucene
  • Event and time-ordered storage for activity feeds, sensor data
  • Create and query graph relationships
  • Easy to understand pricing
  • Data export at will – no lock-in
  • Standards compliant data security protocols
  • Daily data backups
  • Bulk data loading
  • Daily and hourly usage monitoring
  • A single, simple interface – JSON data in/out
  • Designed to complement existing databases and MBaaS services
  • Client libraries for Java, Node.js, and Go. More on the way!

Using Orchestrate

There are quotes in the press release, but I’ve got a few myself. I’m working to build out a prototype service that I and Aaron Gray will be releasing soon. Our startup is called Deconstructed, but more on that later. Without Orchestrate my dev cycle would be longer each day, as I battle with maintaining the data sources that I need. Without it I would have spent another 2-3 weeks setting up and staging nosql database technology. All things I didn’t really need to do. I needed to focus on the service, the value that we’ll soon bring to our customers.

It really boils down to this, and don’t get me wrong, I’m a total data nerd. But when it comes to building a product or service, the last thing I want to do is fight with managing the data anymore than I have to. That notion inspired me to write “Sorry Database Nerds, Nobody Actually Gives a Shit” which still holds true. I can’t think of a single business that wants to sit around and grok how an index works in a key value or what the spline of text-search queries is going to be.


Pricing is sweet, for many that want to try it out things are free. Prices go up a bit more from there, but if you fall into the pricing you’re doing some business and ought to be rolling in a few bucks eh!

The interesting thing to me about pricing is that they’ve structured it around MOp, which stands for MegaOps. More specifically that’s one million API calls or one million operations.


If you write code, even a little or if you manage data you should do yourself the service and check out what Orchestrate has built. It’s a solid investment of time. I’ll have a lot more on Orchestrate and how we’re using the service for Deconstructed and more on using the service with JavaScript in the coming months. Keep your eyes peeled and I might even have some Dart and C# magic thrown in there to boot! Check em’ out, until later, happy hacking.

History of Symphonize.js – JavaScript Client Pivot to Data Generation Library

…the history of symphonize.js So Far!

NOTE: If you just want to check out the code bits, scroll down to the sub-title #symphonize #hacking. Also important to note I’m putting the library through a fairly big refactor at the moment so that everything aligns with the documentation that I’ve recently created. So many things may not be implemented, but we’re moving toward v0.1.0, which will be a functional implementation of the library available via npm based entirely on the documentation and specs that I outline after the history.

A Short History

I started the symphonize.js project back on the 1st of November. Originally I started the project as a client driver library for, but within a day Chris Molozian commented and pointed out that there was already a client driver library for available that Steve Kaliski (Github @sjkaliski and Twitter @stevekaliski and had coded called logically orchestrate.js. Since this was available I did a pivot to symphonize.js being a data generation project instead.

The comment that enabled symphonize.js to pivot from client driver to data generation library.
The comment that made me realize symphonize.js should pivot from client driver to data generation library.

The Official Start of Symphonize.js

After that start and quick pivot I posted a blog with titled “Test Data Builder Symphonize.js With Chance.js (1/3)” to officially start the project. In that post I covered key value and graph basics, with a dive into using chance.js and orchestrate.js with examples. Near the same time I also posted a related blog on publishing an NPM module, which is the deployment focus of Symphonize.js.

Reasons Reasoning

There are two main reasons why I chose and a data generation library as the two things I wanted to combine. The first, is I knew the team and really dug what they were building. I wanted to work with it and check out how well it would work for my use cases in the future. The ability to go sit down, discuss with them what they were building was great (which I interviewed Matt Heitzenroder @roder that you can watch, Stop Dealing With the Database Infrastructure!) The second reason is that my own startup that I’m co-founding with Aaron Gray (@agray) needed to use key value and graph data storage of some type, somewhere. looked like a perfect fit. After some research, giving it a go, it fit very well into what we are building.

CRUD, cURL Hacking & Next Steps

Early December I knocked out two support articles about testing APIs with cURL in Some JavaScript API Coding With Restify & Express & Hacking it With cURL …Segment #1 (with some Webstorm to boot) and Some JavaScript API Coding With Restify & Express & Hacking it With cURL …Segment #2 and an article on the Blog for part 2 of that series titled Symphonize Some Create, Read, Update & Delete [CRUD] via Orchestrate.js (2/3).

December then rolled into the standard holiday doldrums and slowdowns. So fast forward to January post a few rounds of beer and good tidings and I got the 3rd in the series published titled Getting Serious With Symphony.js – JavaScript TDD/BDD Coding Practices (3/3). The post doesn’t speak too much to symphony.js usage but instead my efforts to use TDD or BDD practices in trying to write the library.

Slowly I made progress in building the library and finally it’s in a mostly releasable state now. I use this library daily in working with the code base for Deconstructed and imagine I’ll use it ongoing for many other projects. I hope others might be able to find uses for it too and maybe even add capabilities or ideas. Just ping me via Twitter @adron or Github @adron, add an issue on Github and I’ll be happy to accept pull requests for new features, code refactoring, add you to the project or whatever else you’re interested in.

#symphonize #hacking

Now for the nitty gritty. If you’re up for using or contributing to the project check out the symphonize.js github pages site first. It’s got all the information to help get you kick started. However, you can keep reading as I’ve included much of the information there along with the examples from the below.

NOTE: As I mentioned at the top of this blog entry, the funcitonal implementation of code isn’t available via npm just yet, myself and some others are ripping through a good refactor to align the implementation fo the library with the rewritten and newly available documentation – included blow and at the github pages.

How to use this project in one of your projects.

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
npm install symphonize

How to setup this project for development.

First fork the repository located at

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
git clone
cd symphonize
npm install

Using The Library

The intended usage is to invocate the JavaScript object and then call generate. That’s it, a super simple process. The code would look like this:

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]var Symphonize = require(‘../bin/symphonize’);
var symphonize = new Symphonize();

The basic constructor invocation like this utilizes the generate.json file to generate data from. To inject the json configuration programmatically just inject the json configuration information via the constructor.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var configJson = {"schema":"keyvalue"};

var Symphonize = require(‘../bin/symphonize’);
var symphonize = new Symphonize();

Once the Symphonize data generator has been created call the generate() method as shown.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]

That’s basically it. But you say, it’s supposed to do X, Y or Z. Well that’s where the json configuration data comes into play. In the configuration data you can set the data fields and what they’ll generate, what type of data will be generated, the specific schema, how many records to create and more.


The library comes with the generate.json file already setup with a working example. Currently the generation file looks like this:

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
"schema": "keyvalue", /* keyvalue, graph, event, geo */
"count": 20, /* X values to generate. */
"write_source": "console", /* console, orchestrateio and whatever other data sources that might come up. */
"fields": {
/* generates a random name. */
"fieldName": "name",
/* generates a random dice roll of a d20. */
"fieldTwo": "d20",
/* A single lorum ipsum random statement is genereated. */
"fieldSentence": "sentence",
/* A random guid is generated. */
"fieldGuid": "guid" }

Configuration File Definitions

Each of the configuration options that are available have a default in the configuration file. The default is listed in italics with each definition of the configuration option listed below.

  • schema” : This is used to select what type of data structure type is going to be generated. The default iskeyvalue for this option.
  • count” : This provides the total records that are to be generated by the library. The default is 1 for this option.
  • write_source” : This provides the location to output the generated data to. The default is console for this option.
  • fields” : This is a JSON field within the JSON configuration file that provides configuration options around the fields, number of fields and their respective data to generate. The default is one field, with a default data type of guid. Each of the respective entries in this JSON option is a self contained JSON name and value pair. This then looks simply like this (which is also shown above in part):[sourcecode language=”javascript”]{
    "someBoolean": "boolean",
    "someChar": "character",
    "aFloat": "float",
    "GetAnInt": "integer",
    "fieldTwo": "d20",
    "diceRollD10": "d10",
    "_string": {
    "fieldName": "NameOfFieldForString",
    "length": 5,
    "pool": "abcdefgh"
    "_sentence": {
    "fieldName": "NameOfFiledOfSentences",
    "sentence": "5"
    "fieldGuid": "guid"
  • Fields Configuration: For each of the fields you can either set the field to a particular data type or leave it empty. If the field name and value pair is left empty then the field defaults to guid. The types of data to generate for fields are listed below. These listed are all simple field and data generation types. More complex nested generation types are listed below under Complex Field Configuration below the simple section.
    • boolean“: This generates a boolean value of true or false.
    • character“: This generates a single character, such as ‘1’, ‘g’ or ‘N’.
    • float“: This generates a float value, similar to something like -211920142886.5024.
    • integer“: This generates an integer value, similar to something like 1, 14 or 24032.
    • d4“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one four sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d6“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one six sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d8“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one eight sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d10“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one ten sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d12“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one twelve sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d20“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one twenty sided dice. The integer range being 1-20.
    • d30“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one thirty sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • d100“: This generates a random integer value based on a dice roll of one hundred sided dice. The integer range being 1-10.
    • guid“: This generates a random globally unique identifier. This value would be similar to ‘F0D8368D-85E2-54FB-73C4-2D60374295E3’, ‘e0aa6c0d-0af3-485d-b31a-21db00922517’ or ‘1627f683-efeb-4db8-8174-a5f2e3378c87’.
  • Complex Field Configuration: Some fields require more complex configuration for data generation, simply because the data needs some baseline of what the range or length of the values need to be. The following list details each of these. It is also important to note that these complex field configurations do not have defaults, each value must be set in the JSON configuration or an error will be thrown detailing that a complex field type wasn’t designated. Each of these complex field types is a JSON name and value parameter. The name is the passed in data type with a preceding underscore ‘_’ to generate with the value having the configuration parameters for that particular data type.
    • _string“: This generates string data based on a length and pool parameters. Required fields for this include fieldNamelength and pool. The JSON would look like this:[sourcecode language=”javascript”]"_string": {
      "fieldName": "NameOfFieldForString",
      "length": 5,
      "pool": "abcdefgh"

      Samples of the result would look like this for the field; ‘abdef’, ‘hgcde’ or ‘ahdfg’.

    • _hash“: This generates a hash based on the length and upper parameters. Required fields for this included fieldNamelength and upper. The JSON would look like this:[sourcecode language=”javascript”]"_hash": {
      "fieldName": "HashFieldName",
      "length": 25,
      "casing": ‘upper’

      Samples of the result would look like this for the field: ‘e5162f27da96ed8e1ae51def1ba643b91d2581d8’ or ‘3F2EB3FB85D88984C1EC4F46A3DBE740B5E0E56E’.

    • _name”: This generates a name based on the middle, *middleinitial* and prefix parameters. Required fields for this included fieldNamemiddlemiddle_initial and prefix. The JSON would look like this:[sourcecode language=”javascript”]"_name": {
      "fieldName": "nameFieldName",
      "middle": true,
      "middle_initial": true,
      "prefix": true

      Samples of the result would look like this for the field: ‘Dafi Vatemi’, ‘Nelgatwu Powuku Heup’, ‘Ezme I Iza’, ‘Doctor Suosat Am’, ‘Mrs. Suosat Am’ or ‘Mr. Suosat Am’.

So that covers the kick start of how eventually you’ll be able to setup, use and generate data. Until then, jump into the project and give us a hand.

After this, more examples on the way, cheers!

How to Build an NPM Package, Beginning the Symphonize Project

NPM has helped to build on the massive Node.js popularity and drive JavaScript from a simple scripting language in the web browser to a powerful and capable back-end server language. A quick refresher, NPM stands for Node.js Package Manager and each package is made up of:

  1. a folder containing a program described by a package.json file.
  2. a gzipped tarball containing [1]
    1. a url that resolves to [2]
    2. a <name>@<version> that is published on the registry with [A]
    3. a <name>@<tag> that points to [B]
    4. a <name> that has a “latest” tag satisfying [C]
    5. a git url that, when cloned, results in [1]
Path structure view in Jetbrains Webstorm IDE.
Path structure view in Jetbrains Webstorm IDE.

With that basic understanding of what a module is that NPM provides, let’s jump through the steps to build a module that provides some basic functionality. I won’t cover too many parts in detail yet, just the happy path to getting an NPM library running.

First let’s create an appropriate folder and file structure to get started with. Here’s the commands I ran to get started.

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
mkdir bin
mkdir lib

With these two directories created I then created the following files in the designated paths. In bin I created the symphonize.js file and in lib I created a main.js file.

Now, I added the following code to the symphonize.js file.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
exports.Coupling = function (searchThis, forThis) {
var returnValue = ‘no’;
if (searchThis.indexOf(forThis) > -1) {
returnValue = ‘yes’;
return returnValue;

In the main.js file I added the following.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
(function () {
var couple = require(‘../bin/symphonize’);
couple.Coupling("Sample text", "Sample");

There are a number of issues with this code, I know, but it’s just a sample of the minimal amount of code, folder structure and packages.json that I need to get this package installed and ready for iteration as I move forward with the actual code base and what functionality will actually be added. Speaking of the packages.json file, I created one and added the following configuration settings to it.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
"author": "Adron Hall",
"name": "symphonize",
"description": "Prints out data to the console! Will be iterating soon for real functionality!",
"version": "0.1.0",
"repository": {
"url": ""
"main": "./lib/main",
"bin": {
"replaceme": "./bin/symphonize"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {},
"optionalDependencies": {},
"engines": {
"node": "*"

That is now enough for me to at least get the module added to the global NPM repository, get things pointed back to Github appropriately and move forward with actual coding. I might even setup some continuous builds and delivery at some point, since I’ve now got the end point of where the libraries will be going. The commands to get a module uploaded to the NPM Repository are as follows. This command of course assumes I’ve already added a user using npm adduser or I’ve added one via the web site interface at

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
npm publish

I’ve now got everything prepared and uploaded to NPM there is now a symphonize module library ready for use.

My NPM Page for Symphonize. Click to go to the actual NPM page.
My NPM Page for Symphonize. Click to go to the actual NPM page.

Here’s a few quick references to where everything is: