
I’ve collected my personal speaker details here, which can be used for assets in site listings, for conference, meetup talks, and related display. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me (or just tweet at me) via Twitter @Adron.

Third Person Description

I get super frustrated writing in third person for various reasons. I went out to some fellow friends in the technology cohort I work in and they were kind enough to write up the following. Feel free to use any if you’d like a third person description of my involvement in coding projects and related organizational work.

Description One

Adron has worked in the technology industry from team leadership, product design efforts, coding in trenches, to wearing the DevOps hat and being on call. With this experience and a jovial spirit, Adron likes to teach, build organizations, create systems, and help teams get things done. He’s a coder at heart, with an advocate’s (maybe an activist’s?) energy.

Description Two

Adron is often referred to as the “guy with solutions”. If there’s a question about how something should be built, he is the go to guy for coming up with how to get things done, deployed, and into production. With his calm and collected demeanor, and sometimes snarky wit, Adron is the person you want building teams and creating systems. His ability to impart upon others energy, knowledge, and enthusiasm is exceptional.

Description Three

Adron Hall is a principal engineer and systems architect. He runs the gamut of dev stacks from Ruby on Rails, Golang, Node.js and .NET, but a favorite of his these days is Go combined with a growing admiration for the chaos of JavaScript. As a software architect, engineer, or coder (depending on your preference of title wording), Adron is fluent in test-driven and behavior-driven development and passionate about DevOps. In his free time, he is involved with hackathons, user groups, and other tech community events.

Description Four

Adron has a wide range of company, programming, and database experience. This includes companies ranging from small startups to 200k plus person enterprises and the respective challenges of design and architecture for these companies. In programming Adron is fluent in C#, JavaScript, and Go, with experience in F#, Java, C++, Erlang, COBOL, and others, for a truly polyglot perspective of language approaches and their technology stacks.

In the database realm Adron has worked with relational data management systems, and worked within the NoSQL movement and many of the database systems and strategies that came from this. Some of the database systems he’s specifically familiar with are distributed database systems like Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise and past experience working with Riak and HBase. Going beyond the basic columnar, key value, and related distributed database systems his experience also delves into graph, time series, geospatial queries, and numerous other data storage systems and methods.

Some of the specific challenges Adron has met and succeeded in include running multiple hundred node distributed database clusters and experimentation and research in 1000 node plus databases. Recently he has been working more specifically with ways to develop applications specifically to take advantage of and effectively use distributed databases from a multi-cloud and hybrid cloud approach.

First Person Description

I’m a jovial, proactive, test & code, code & test, get things done well, software architect, engineer, code monkey, coder, and distributed systems advocate. I go by the title of “Coder, Messenger, Recon” as it seems to encompass what I do.

  • Coder: I write code, sometimes lots of code, sometimes a little code. No language is a limit, only another tool to implement solutions. I ply polygot language paths including: C#, Java, JavaScript, Erlang lately and Pascal, Basic, Visual Basic, C++, C, COBOL, RPG, CL and others in the past!
  • Messenger: Every chance I get I work to share knowledge I’ve gained over the years. From workshops to one on one mentoring, pair programming or directed training.
  • Recon: I love seeing technologies built and technologies come together, with the added icing on the cake of end users getting to use and benefit from the technology!

But besides all that techno stuff, I dig some good coffee, great beer, wine, food and a good music show. I cycle, almost everywhere these days, don’t own a car (but I’m a car snob of the serious racing sort auto-x, tuners, drift, rally, etc), I verge on the “transit nerd” and “rail nut” category along with “plane spotter” and “exotic car driver”. I also play guitar – primarily shredding (metal), love to prog with some Jazz, croon along with some blues.