Hasura 2.0 – A Short Story of v1.3.3 to v2.0 Upgrades

Today at Hasura we released Hasura v2.0! This is a pretty major release with a number of new features that will dramatically increase the capabilities for Hasura. For several of my projects, specifically the infrastructure as code projects terrazura (check out the previous blog post w/ video time points and more) and tenancy-bydata I was able to get the upgrade to Hasura v2.0 done in moments! Since I don’t have to pull backups or anything for these projects, it merely involved the following steps.

  1. Upgrade the Hasura CLI. This is super easy, just issue the command hasura update-cli --version v2.0.0-alpha.1. This command will then download and update the CLI.
  2. Next I updated the Terraform file so the container pulls the latest version image = "hasura/graphql-engine:v2.0.0-alpha.1".

Next run an updated terraform apply command, which in my case is this command in the case of the terrazura project for example.

terraform init

terraform apply -auto-approve \
  -var 'server=terrazuraserver' \
  -var 'username='$PUSERNAME'' \
  -var 'password='$PPASSWORD'' \
  -var 'database=terrazuradb' \
  -var 'apiport=8080'

cd migrations

hasura migrate apply

Boom! Everything is now updated to v2.0 and we’re ready for all the upcoming Twitch streams relating back to these particular projects!

For more, be sure to subscribe to the HasuraHQ Twitch Channel and my Twitch Channel Thrashing Code as I’ll be covering more of the new features in the coming days!

Terrazura – A Build Out of an Azure based, Hasura GraphQL API on Postgres

I created this repo https://github.com/Adron/terrazura​ during a live stream on my Twitch Thrashing Code Channel 🤘 at 10am on the 30th of December, 2020. The VOD is now available on my YouTube Thrashing Code Channel https://youtube.com/thrashingcode​. A rough as hell year, but wanted to wrap it up with some solid content. In this stream I tackled a ton of specifics, in detail about getting Hasura deployed in Azure, Postgres backed, a database schema designed and created, using database schema migrations, and all sorts of tips n’ tricks along the way. 3 hours of solid how to get shit done material!

For live streams, check out and follow at https://www.twitch.tv/thrashingcode​ 👊🏻 or for VOD viewing check out https://youtube.com/thrashingcode

A point in coding during the video!

02:49​ – Shout out to the stream sponsor, Azure, and links to some collateral material.
14:50​ – In this first segment, I start but run into some troubleshooting needs around the provider versions for Terraform in regards to Azure. You can skip this part unless you want to see what issue I ran into.
18:24​ – Since I ran into issues with the current version of Terraform I had installed, at this time I show a quick upgrade to the latest version.
27:22​ – After upgrading and fighting through trial and error execution of Terraform until I finally get the right combination of provider and Terraform versions.
27:53​ – Adding the first Terraform resource, the Azure resource group.
29:47​ – Azure Portal oddness, just to take note off if/when you’re working through this. Workaround later in the stream.
32:00​ – Adding the Postgres server resource.
44:43​ – In this segment I switched over to Jetbrain’s Intellij to do the rest of the work. I also tweak the IDE to re-add the plugin for the material design themes and icons. If you use this IDE, it’s very much IMHO worth getting this to switch between themes.
59:32​ – After getting leveled-up with the IDE, I wrap up the #Postgres​ server resource and #terraform​ apply it the overall set of resources. At this point I also move forward with the infrastructure as code, with emphasis on additive changes to the immutable infrastructure by emphasizing use of terraform apply and minimizing any terraform destroy use.
1:02:07​ – At this time, I try figuring out the portal issue by az logout and logging back in az login to Azure Still no resources shown but…
1:08:47​ – eventually I realize I have to use the hack solution of pasting the subscription ID into the
@Azure portal to get resources for the particular subscription account which seems highly counter intuitive since its the ONLY account. 🧐
1:22:54​ – The next thing I setup, now that I have variables that need passed in on every terraform execution, I add a script to do this for me.
1:29:35​ – Next up is adding the database to the database server and firewall rule. Also we get to see Jetbrains #Intellij​ HCL plugin introspection at work adding required properties to the firewall resource! A really useful feature.
1:38:24​ – Next up, creating the Azure container to deploy our Hasura GraphQL API for #Postgres​ to!
1:51:42​ – BAM! API Server is done and launched! I’ve got a live #GraphQL​ API up and running in Azure and we’re ready to start building a data model!
1:56:22​ – In this segment I show how to turn off the public facing console and shift one’s development workflow to the local Hasura console working against – local OR your live dev environment.
1:58:29​ – Next segment I get into schema migrations, initializing a directory structure for Hasura CLI use, and metadata, migrations, and related data. Including an update to the latest CLI so you can see how to do that, after a run into a slight glitch. 😬
2:23:02​ – I also shift over to dbdiagram to graphically build out some of the schema via their markdown, then use the SQL export option for #postgres​ combined with Hasura’s option to execute plain ole SQL via migrations…
2:31:48​ – Getting a bit more in depth in this segment, I delve through – via the Hasura console – to build out relationships between the tables and data so the graphql queries can introspect accordingly.
2:40:30​ – Next segment, graphql time! I show some of the options of what is available immediately for queries and mutations via the console.
2:50:36​ – Then some more details about metadata. I’m going to do a stream with further details, since I was a little fuzzy on some of those details myself, in the very very near future. However a good introduction to what the metadata does for the #graphql​ API.
2:59:07​ – Then as a wrap up to all of this… I nuke EVERYTHING and deploy it all out to Azure again inclusive of schema migrations, metadata, etc. 🤘🏻
3:16:30​ – Final segment, I add some data to the database and get into a few basic queries and mutations in #graphql​ via the #graphiql​ console interface in #Hasura​.

Top 3 Refactors for My Hasura GraphQL API Terraform Deploy on Azure

I posted on the 9th of September, the “Setup Postgres, and GraphQL API with Hasura on Azure”. In that post I had a few refactorings that I wanted to make. The following are the top 3 refactorings that make the project in that repo easier to use!

1 Changed the Port Used to a Variable

In the docker-compose and the Terraform automation the port used was using the default for the particular types of deployments. This led to a production and a developer port that is different. It’s much easier, and more logical for the port to be the same on both dev and production, for at least while we have the console available on the production server (i.e. it should be disabled, more on that in a subsequent post). Here are the details of that change.

In the docker-compose file under the graphql-engine the ports, I insured were set to the specific port mapping I’d want. For this, the local dev version, I wanted to stick to port 8080. I thus, left this as 8080:8080.

version: '3.6'
image: library/postgres:12
restart: always
- 5432:5432
image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.3
- "8080:8080"
- "postgres"
restart: always
HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:${PPASSWORD}@postgres:5432/logistics

The production version, or whichever version this may be in your build, I added a Terraform variable called apiport. This variable I set to be passed in via the script files I use to execute the Terraform.

The script file change looks like this now for launching the environment.

cd terraform
terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var 'server=logisticscoresystemsdb' \
-var 'username='$PUSERNAME'' \
-var 'password='$PPASSWORD'' \
-var 'database=logistics' \
-var 'apiport=8080'

The destroy script now looks like this.

cd terraform
terraform destroy \
-var 'server="logisticscoresystemsdb"' \
-var 'username='$PUSERNAME'' \
-var 'password='$PPASSWORD'' \
-var 'database="logistics"' \
-var 'apiport=8080'

There are then three additional sections in the Terraform file, the first is here, the next I’ll talk about in refactor 2 below. The changes in the resource as shown below, in the container ports section and the environment_variables section, simply as var.apiport.

resource "azurerm_container_group" "adronshasure" {
name = "adrons-hasura-logistics-data-layer"
location = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
ip_address_type = "public"
dns_name_label = "logisticsdatalayer"
os_type = "Linux"
  container {
name = "hasura-data-layer"
image = "hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.2"
cpu = "0.5"
memory = "1.5"
    ports {
port = var.apiport
protocol = "TCP"
    environment_variables = {
secure_environment_variables = {
HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL = "postgres://${var.username}%40${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name}:${var.password}@${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.fqdn}:5432/${var.database}"
  tags = {
environment = "datalayer"

With that I now have the port standardized across dev and prod to be 8080. Of course, it could be another port, that’s just the one I decided to go with.

2 Get the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) via a Terraform Output Variable

One thing I kept needing to do after Terraform got production up and going everytime is navigating over to Azure and finding the FQDN to open the console up at (or API calls, etc). To make this easier, since I’m obviously running the script, I added an output variable that concatenates the interpolated FQDN from the results of execution. The output variable looks like this.

output "hasura_uri_path" {
value = "${azurerm_container_group.adronshasure.fqdn}:${var.apiport}"

Again, you’ll notice I have the var.apiport concatenated there at the end of the value. With that, it returns at the end of execution the exact FQDN that I need to navigate to for the Hasura Console!

3 Have Terraform Create the Local “Dev” Database on the Postgres Server

I started working with what I had from the previous post “Setup Postgres, and GraphQL API with Hasura on Azure”, and realized I had made a mistake. I wasn’t using a database on the database server that actually had the same name. Dev was using the default database and prod was using a newly created named database! Egads, this could cause problems down the road, so I added some Terraform just for creating a new Postgres database for the local deployment. Everything basically stays the same, just a new part to the local script was added to execute this Terraform along with the docker-compose command.

First, the Terraform for creating a default logistics database.

terraform {
required_providers {
postgresql = {
source = "cyrilgdn/postgresql"
required_version = ">= 0.13"
provider "postgresql" {
host = "localhost"
port = 5432
username = var.username
password = var.password
sslmode = "disable"
connect_timeout = 15
resource "postgresql_database" "db" {
name = var.database
owner = "postgres"
lc_collate = "C"
connection_limit = -1
allow_connections = true
variable "database" {
type = string
variable "server" {
type = string
variable "username" {
type = string
variable "password" {
type = string

Now the script as I setup to call it.

docker-compose up -d
terraform init
sleep 1
terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var 'server=logisticscoresystemsdb' \
-var 'username='$PUSERNAME'' \
-var 'password='$PPASSWORD'' \
-var 'database=logistics'

There are more refactoring that I made, but these were the top 3 I did right away! Now my infrastructure as code is easier to use, the scripts are a little bit more seamless, and everything is wrapping into a good development workflow a bit better.

For JavaScript, Go, Python, Terraform, and more infrastructure, web dev, and coding in general I stream regularly on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/thrashingcode, post the VOD’s to YouTube along with entirely new tech and metal content at https://youtube.com/ThrashingCode.

Setup Postgres, and GraphQL API with Hasura on Azure

Key Technologies: HasuraPostgresTerraformDocker, and Azure.

I created a data model to store railroad systems, services, scheduled, time points, and related information, detailing the schema “Beyond CRUD n’ Cruft Data-Modeling” with a few tweaks. The original I’d created for Apache Cassandra, and have since switched to Postgres giving the option of primary and foreign keys, relations, and the related connections for the model.

In this post I’ll use that schema to build out an infrastructure as code solution with Terraform, utilizing Postgres and Hasura (OSS).


Docker Compose Development Environment

For the Docker Compose file I just placed them in the root of the repository. Add a docker-compose.yaml file and then added services. The first service I setup was the Postgres/PostgreSQL database. This is using the standard Postgres image on Docker Hub. I opted for version 12, I do want it to always restart if it gets shutdown or crashes, and then the last of the obvious settings is the port which maps from 5432 to 5432.

For the volume, since I might want to backup or tinker with the volume, I put the db_data location set to my own Codez directory. All my databases I tend to setup like this in case I need to debug things locally.

The POSTGRES_PASSWORD is an environment variable, thus the syntax ${PPASSWORD}. This way no passwords go into the repo. Then I can load the environment variable via a standard export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="theSecretPasswordHere!" line in my system startup script or via other means.

    image: postgres:12
    restart: always
      - db_data:/Users/adron/Codez/databases
      - 5432:5432

For the db_data volume, toward the bottom I add the key value setting to reference it.


Next I added the GraphQL solution with Hasura. The image for the v1.1.0 probably needs to be updated (I believe we’re on version 1.3.x now) so I’ll do that soon, but got the example working with v1.1.0. Next I’ve got the ports mapped to open 8080 to 8080. Next, this service will depend on the postgres service already detailed. Restart, also set on always just as the postgres service. Finally two evnironment variables for the container:

  • HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL – this variable is the base postgres URL connection string.
  • HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE – this is the variable that will set the console user interface to initiate. We’ll definitely want to have this for the development environment. However in production I’d likely want this turned off.
    image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.1.0
      - "8080:8080"
      - "postgres"
    restart: always
      HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:logistics@postgres:5432/postgres

At this point the commands to start this are relatively minimal, but in spite of that I like to create a start and stop shell script. My start script and stop script simply look like this:

Starting the services.

docker-compose up -d

For the first execution of the services you may want to skip the -d and instead watch the startup just to become familiar with the events and connections as they start.

Stopping the services.

docker-compose down

🚀 That’s it for the basic development environment, we’re launched and ready for development. With the services started, navigate to https://localhost:8080/console to start working with the user interface, which I’ll have a more details on the “Beyond CRUD n’ Cruft Data-Modeling” swap to Hasura and Postgres in an upcoming blog post.

For full syntax of the docker-compose.yaml check out this gist: https://gist.github.com/Adron/0b2ea637b5e00681f4d62404805c3a00

Terraform Production Environment

For the production deployment of this stack I want to deploy to Azure, use Terraform for infrastructure as code, and the Azure database service for Postgres while running Hasura for my API GraphQL tier.

For the Terraform files I created a folder and added a main.tf file. I always create a folder to work in, generally, to keep the state files and initial prototyping of the infrastructre in a singular place. Eventually I’ll setup a location to store the state and fully automate the process through a continues integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) process. For now though, just a singular folder to keep it all in.

For this I know I’ll need a few variables and add those to the file. These are variables that I’ll use to provide values to multiple resources in the Terraform templating.

variable "database" {
  type = string

variable "server" {
  type = string

variable "username" {
  type = string

variable "password" {
  type = string

One other variable I’ll want so that it is a little easier to verify what my Hasura connection information is, will look like this.

output "hasura_url" {
  value = "postgres://${var.username}%40${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name}:${var.password}@${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.fqdn}:5432/${var.database}"

Let’s take this one apart a bit. There is a lot of concatenated and interpolated variables being wedged together here. This is basically the Postgres connection string that Hasura will need to make a connection. It includes the username and password, and all of the pertinent parsed and string escaped values. Note specifically the %40 between the ${var.username} and ${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name} variables while elsewhere certain characters are not escaped, such as the @ sign. When constructing this connection string, it is very important to be prescient of all these specific values being connected together. But, I did the work for you so it’s a pretty easy copy and paste now!

Next I’ll need the Azure provider information.

provider "azurerm" {
  version = "=2.20.0"
  features {}

Note that there is a features array that is just empty, it is now required for the provider to designate this even if the array is empty.

Next up is the resource group that everything will be deployed to.

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "adronsrg" {
  name     = "adrons-rg"
  location = "westus2"

Now the Postgres Server itself. Note the location and resource_group_name simply map back to the resource group. Another thing I found a little confusing, as I wasn’t sure if it was a Terraform name or resource name tag or the server name itself, is the “name” key value pair in this resource. It is however the server name, which I’ve assigned var.server. The next value assigned “B_Gen5_2” is the Azure designator, which is a bit cryptic. More on that in a future post.

After that information the storage is set to, I believe if I RTFM’ed correctly to 5 gigs of storage. For what I’m doing this will be fine. The backup is setup for 7 days of retention. This means I’ll be able to fall back to a backup from any of the last seven days, but after 7 days the backups are rolled and the last day is deleted to make space for the newest backup. The geo_redundant_backup_enabled setting is set to false, because with Postgres’ excellent reliability and my desire to not pay for that extra reliability insurance, I don’t need geographic redundancy. Last I set auto_grow_enabled to true, albeit I do need to determine the exact flow of logic this takes for this particular implementation and deployment of Postgres.

The last chunk of details for this resource are simply the username and password, which are derived from variables, which are derived from environment variables to keep the actual username and passwords out of the repository. The last two bits set the ssl to enabled and the version of Postgres to v9.5.

resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "logisticsserver" {
  name = var.server
  location = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  sku_name = "B_Gen5_2"

  storage_mb                   = 5120
  backup_retention_days        = 7
  geo_redundant_backup_enabled = false
  auto_grow_enabled            = true

  administrator_login          = var.username
  administrator_login_password = var.password
  version                      = "9.5"
  ssl_enforcement_enabled      = true

Since the database server is all setup, now I can confidently add an actual database to that database. Here the resource_group_name pulls from the resource group resource and the server_name pulls from the server resource. The name, being the database name itself, I derive from a variable too. Then the character set is UTF8 and collation is set to US English, which are generally standard settings on Postgres being installed for use within the US.

resource "azurerm_postgresql_database" "logisticsdb" {
  name                = var.database
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  server_name         = azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name
  charset             = "UTF8"
  collation           = "English_United States.1252"

The next thing I discovered, after some trial and error and a good bit of searching, is the Postgres specific firewall rule. It appears this is related to the Postgres service in Azure specifically, as for a number of trials and many errors I attempted to use the standard available firewalls and firewall rules that are available in virtual networks. My understanding now is that the Postgres Servers exist outside of that paradigm and by relation to that have their own firewall rules.

This firewall rule basically attaches the firewall to the resource group, then the server itself, and allows internal access between the Postgres Server and the Hasura instance.

resource "azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule" "pgfirewallrule" {
  name                = "allow-azure-internal"
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  server_name         = azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name
  start_ip_address    = ""
  end_ip_address      = ""

The last and final step is setting up the Hasura instance to work with the Postgres Server and the designated database now available.

To setup the Hasura instance I decided to go with the container service that Azure has. It provides a relatively inexpensive, easier to setup, and more concise way to setup the server than setting up an entire VM or full Kubernetes environment just to run a singular instance.

The first section sets up a public IP address, which of course I’ll need to change as the application is developed and I’ll need to provide an actual secured front end. But for now, to prove out the deployment, I’ve left it public, setup the DNS label, and set the OS type.

The next section in this resource I then outline the container details. The name of the container can be pretty much whatever you want it to be, it’s your designator. The image however is specifically hasura/graphql-engine. I’ve set the CPU and memory pretty low, at 0.5 and 1.5 respectively as I don’t suspect I’ll need a ton of horsepower just to test things out.

Next I set the port available to port 80. Then the environment variables HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT and HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE to that port to display the console there. Then finally that wild concatenated interpolated connection string that I have setup as an output variable – again specifically for testing – HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL.

resource "azurerm_container_group" "adronshasure" {
  name                = "adrons-hasura-logistics-data-layer"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  ip_address_type     = "public"
  dns_name_label      = "logisticsdatalayer"
  os_type             = "Linux"

  container {
    name   = "hasura-data-layer"
    image  = "hasura/graphql-engine"
    cpu    = "0.5"
    memory = "1.5"

    ports {
      port     = 80
      protocol = "TCP"

    environment_variables = {
    secure_environment_variables = {
      HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL = "postgres://${var.username}%40${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name}:${var.password}@${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.fqdn}:5432/${var.database}"

  tags = {
    environment = "datalayer"

With all that setup it’s time to test. But first, just for clarity here’s the entire Terraform file contents.

provider "azurerm" {
  version = "=2.20.0"
  features {}

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "adronsrg" {
  name     = "adrons-rg"
  location = "westus2"

resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "logisticsserver" {
  name = var.server
  location = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  sku_name = "B_Gen5_2"

  storage_mb                   = 5120
  backup_retention_days        = 7
  geo_redundant_backup_enabled = false
  auto_grow_enabled            = true

  administrator_login          = var.username
  administrator_login_password = var.password
  version                      = "9.5"
  ssl_enforcement_enabled      = true

resource "azurerm_postgresql_database" "logisticsdb" {
  name                = var.database
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  server_name         = azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name
  charset             = "UTF8"
  collation           = "English_United States.1252"

resource "azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule" "pgfirewallrule" {
  name                = "allow-azure-internal"
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  server_name         = azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name
  start_ip_address    = ""
  end_ip_address      = ""

resource "azurerm_container_group" "adronshasure" {
  name                = "adrons-hasura-logistics-data-layer"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg.name
  ip_address_type     = "public"
  dns_name_label      = "logisticsdatalayer"
  os_type             = "Linux"

  container {
    name   = "hasura-data-layer"
    image  = "hasura/graphql-engine"
    cpu    = "0.5"
    memory = "1.5"

    ports {
      port     = 80
      protocol = "TCP"

    environment_variables = {
    secure_environment_variables = {
      HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL = "postgres://${var.username}%40${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name}:${var.password}@${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.fqdn}:5432/${var.database}"

  tags = {
    environment = "datalayer"

variable "database" {
  type = string

variable "server" {
  type = string

variable "username" {
  type = string

variable "password" {
  type = string

output "hasura_url" {
  value = "postgres://${var.username}%40${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.name}:${var.password}@${azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver.fqdn}:5432/${var.database}"

To run this, similarly to how I setup the dev environment, I’ve setup a startup and shutdown script. The startup script named prod-start.sh has the following commands. Note the $PUSERNAME and $PPASSWORD are derived from environment variables, where as the other two values are just inline.

cd terraform

terraform apply -auto-approve \
    -var 'server=logisticscoresystemsdb' \
    -var 'username='$PUSERNAME'' \
    -var 'password='$PPASSWORD'' \
    -var 'database=logistics'

For the full Terraform file check out this gist: https://gist.github.com/Adron/6d7cb4be3a22429d0ff8c8bd360f3ce2

Executing that script gives me results that, if everything goes right, looks similarly to this.

azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg: Creating...
azurerm_resource_group.adronsrg: Creation complete after 1s [id=/subscriptions/77ad15ff-226a-4aa9-bef3-648597374f9c/resourceGroups/adrons-rg]
azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver: Creating...
azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
azurerm_postgresql_server.logisticsserver: Still creating... [20s elapsed]

...and it continues.

Do note that this process will take a different amount of time and is completely normal for it to take ~3 or more minutes. Once the server is done in the build process a lot of the other activities start to take place very quickly. Once it’s all done, toward the end of the output I get my hasura_url output variable so that I can confirm that it is indeed put together correctly! Now that this is preformed I can take next steps and remove that output variable, start to tighten security, and other steps. Which I’ll detail in a future blog post once more of the application is built.

... other output here ...

azurerm_container_group.adronshasure: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
azurerm_postgresql_database.logisticsdb: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
azurerm_postgresql_database.logisticsdb: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
azurerm_container_group.adronshasure: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
azurerm_postgresql_database.logisticsdb: Creation complete after 51s [id=/subscriptions/77ad15ff-226a-4aa9-bef3-648597374f9c/resourceGroups/adrons-rg/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/logisticscoresystemsdb/databases/logistics]
azurerm_container_group.adronshasure: Still creating... [1m0s elapsed]
azurerm_container_group.adronshasure: Creation complete after 1m4s [id=/subscriptions/77ad15ff-226a-4aa9-bef3-648597374f9c/resourceGroups/adrons-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/adrons-hasura-logistics-data-layer]

Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


hasura_url = postgres://postgres%40logisticscoresystemsdb:theSecretPassword!@logisticscoresystemsdb.postgres.database.azure.com:5432/logistics

Now if I navigate over to logisticsdatalayer.westus2.azurecontainer.io I can view the Hasura console! But where in the world is this fully qualified domain name (FQDN)? Well, the quickest way to find it is to navigate to the Azure portal and take a look at the details page of the container itself. In the upper right the FQDN is available as well as the IP that has been assigned to the container!

Navigating to that FQDN URI will bring up the Hasura console!

Next Steps

From here I’ll take up next steps in a subsequent post. I’ll get the container secured, map the user interface or CLI or whatever the application is that I build lined up to the API end points, and more!


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For JavaScript, Go, Python, Terraform, and more infrastructure, web dev, and coding in general I stream regularly on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/adronhall, post the VOD’s to YouTube along with entirely new tech and metal content at https://youtube.com/c/ThrashingCode.

Wat?! Ugh Terraform State is Complicated Sometimes! ‘url has no host’

As I’ve been working through the series (part 1, 2, 3, and 4 so far), a number of issues come up (like this one), and this seemed like a good one to post too. As I’ve been working through I started stumbling into this error around destroying images via terraform destroy . Now, I’m not just creating them with terraform apply and then trying to destroy them. I’m creating the images via Packer, then importing the state (see part 4 for the series for details) and then when I clean up the environment trying to terraform destroy which shows this error.

[…lost image…]

I had taken the default azurerm_image resource configuration from the Hashicorp docs site that I tweaked just a little bit.

[code language=”bash”]
resource “azurerm_image” “basedse” {
name = “basedse”
location = “West US”
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.imported_adronsimages.name

os_disk {
os_type = “Linux”
os_state = “Generalized”
blob_uri = “{blob_uri}”
size_gb = 30

The thing causing the error is the “{blog_uri}”. Which in general, I’d assume that this should be pulled or derived from the existing image created by packer when imported. But the syntax above just doesn’t cut it for actions post-import of the image state.

Time Consuming Troubleshooting

To troubleshoot and confirm this issue takes a long time. Create the image, which is ~15-20 minutes, then run an apply. The apply, even if most of the creation is minimized to imports and the few other things that are created, takes several minutes in Azure. Then a destroy takes several minutes. So all in all, one test cycle is about ~30 minutes.

The First Tricky Fix

I went through several iterations of attempting to get that part of the import of the state pulled in. That didn’t work out so well. What did though, was the simplist of actions, I deleted blob_uri = "{blog_uri}"!  Then upon terraform apply or terraform destroy I got a full cycled application of changes, etc, after adding the state and on destroy terraform wiped out everything as expected!

Problem Fixed, Problem Created

On to the next things! But oh wait, there is another problem. Now if I setup a VM to be created based off of the image, the state doesn’t have the blog_uri. Great, back to square one right? Not entirely, subscribe, keep reading and I’ll have the next steps for this coming real soon!