Top 4: “Nobody Reads Blogs… Except Everybody Read Blogs”


I know I know, the marketers say it’s all about the single articles now. Nobody reads blogs. Nobody subscribes to blogs. Ya know, except of course for that small percentage of people that do.

…marketing, it’ll make you insane if you’re not careful.

But seriously, here’s a few blogs that are actually worth reading. They’re worth subscribing to and surprisingly, they’re blogs that businesses organize and write. Yes, I have and might be writing for some of them in the future. But I’m honestly basing this list on a few specific criteria:

  • The blog has to include some technical content that is important to getting kick started with their product and getting kick started with other tooling around their space.
  • The blog has to include articles that have industry information that is relevant to conferences, meetups, and other community related activities.

Here’s my list of reads lately:

Codeship Blog – This company provides continuous integration and deployment services. Their services are super easy to get started with, besides having an excellent blog, one ought to try out their CI & CD services. The team is active in the tech communities. They regularly blog about getting Java, Node.js, Rails, Ruby or other stacks up and running, deploying cleanly and deployed to their final destinations.

Orchestrate Blog – The crew at Orchestrate (which I have written for a while back) have a steady stream of awesome flowing from their brains. The blog is chock full of ideas, implementations of various apps, and they are involved via the blog and in person with community events, conferences and the like. It’s a solid blog to be subscribed to.

AWS Blog – I’ve never written for the AWS blog, but I follow it as it is a steady stream of updates about the product and services but also includes other information regularly. They don’t always branch out beyond their space, but they’re so huge and cover so much space, the topics end up being pretty diverse anyway.

New Relic Blog – I write for New Relic on a regular basis. They’ve got a great selection of posts that go up from meetup recaps and notifications, to conference recaps, commentary and follow along of events and of course the technical content for everything from .NET to Java to Nodejs to Ruby on Rails. You name it, they likely have tips, tidbits and tricks every now and then.

There are a few others that I might tack onto this list in the future. But for now, that’s the top 4.

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