I Bid Adieu to Webtrends

I have recently decided to move on from Webtrends and wanted to send a public thank you to everyone.  I have served in three distinct departments for Webtrends over the years; VI SWAT Team Support, Engineering, and Consulting Services.  In each of these groups I have worked with some great individuals.  These team members have been good people, technical rock stars, and all around great company over the last few years.

  • Neil | You are a rock star tier three leader.  Your boot camp training sessions are awesome!  You can shoot ok too.  Keep shooting, keep rocking the leadership, and I don’t even have to suggest keep being a thinker.
  • Jayson B | Thanks a million for the multitudes of conversations and random .NET tech discussions and such.  Those conversations always rocked, and introduced me to more than a few new ideas.  Keep thrashing the code and I am sure you will be rocking an elite team in no time.
  • Jay | Aweosme ranting with ya.  Enjoyed working with you and hearing about the bus commute in.  If I ever get my transit sleuth blog running again I will be sure to
  • Doyle | Thanks for sight tapping yourself in the eye, that was great entertainment.  If you ever need some help, I can teach you how to shoot those real guns.  Keep hacking that T-SQL Code, keep the stats up, yadda yadda yadda.  You rock, thanks for the off hand banter every day!
  • Alexander | Your product knowledge is renown around the company and outside of the company.  Don’t spill too much beer and I will be looking forward to our next communism versus capitalism discussion.  Maybe we will flip sides sometimes just to play devil’s advocate.
  • Gareth | It has been great fighting wars with you, you have also been a valuable point of knowledge and technical assistance with the product, the wars, and more.  I will miss the random banter throughout the day.  Keep kicking ass and I will look forward to our next pint or pitched battle.
  • Heather C | Keep the integrations integrated and integrating, it has been fun.  Wish we could have worked together more.  Also enjoyed presenting with you in New Orleans at Engage, maybe we’ll stumble into that chance again!
  • Brian G | Great presenting in New Orleans, may video tracking be the bee’s knees!
  • Josh W | Keep it virtualized, I know you will.  Without you so much would just fall over itself, you honestly keep the whole of the company’s progress moving forward.
  • James K | You are an excellent developer, it was fun working with you back in my Webtrends engineering days.
  • Rob D | Keep those awesome iPhone Apps coming.  Those suckers rock . . . of course that means I have to go get another iPhone.  But yeah. . .
  • Tim | I hardly knew ye’ and we only made it to Zack’s Shack for dogs once!!  We were supposed to go every Tuesday!  Well maybe in the future we’ll grab one of those Tuesdays.  Keep throwing down awesome PPC Stats and numerical goodness for your clients.
  • Richard | OMG, the end of the world is coming.  Oh wait, that was just me missing my bus.  But seriously, watch out for all the crazies.  I hear there are a few.  Great conversations, keep having fun.
  • Michael C | Thanks for being a great boss man, you rule.  Your insights into business and getting the services team working with other departments is top notch.
  • Gary | Thanks for being a great boss man, fellow team member, and helping me keep my sanity in the desolation of Thief River Falls.
  • Virginia | Will you ever return to Webtrends?  Eh, whatever the case, have fun make sure to keep kicking and enjoy your new married life.  I’m sure you will!
  • Jeff P | Thanks for the random hallway chats, music suggestions, guitar discussions, practice space ideas, and million other things we’ve randomly discussed.
  • Jeff J | Thanks for the insights, keep up the great job app man.  If you have any thoughts, questions, or otherwise feel free to shoot me an e-mail!
  • Brad G | Keep hacking, make sure to use yourself an MSDN and get and stay ramped on the latest .NET bits.  I know you will and yes I will be working on the analytics frameworks in the future.
  • Dash | Daper man, daper.  Keep it money, keep it rolling, keep it smooth.  I know I can trust you to do so.
  • Eric G | Make sure the photons are loaded or Xander & Neil are going to take you out next round.  Also thanks for the random insightful e-mail thread comments and thoughts.
  • Dan B | Dude!  Watch out for the Javascript, it looks like that Actionscript but it is broken!!??!?  Egads!  Great technical breadth, keep up the hacking and keep the Javascript under control.  I know you will.
  • Sean B | Thanks for the political strategies, updates and the lowdowns on the info.  I appreciate it.  I’ll definitely miss getting lunch and figuring out the markets. I’ll have to break out and hit Portland sometime, we will have to grab Dan and get a Pita Pit.
  • Michael G | You are the a totally ruling VP o’ Sales, you have brought life to a zillion conversations.  I don’t even need to suggest, because I know you’ll be rocking the sales for some time.  I look forward to hearing Webtrends reach new records quarter after quarter.  Keep up the mischievousness!
  • Jeremy D | Keep those clients happy (and in line) and keep those sales rolling in!
  • Sandra | Neighbor, coworker, fellow nerd.  Keep having fun, and getting that knowledge to the clients.
  • Perry | Mississippi here saying have a blast, keep the training flowing, and stay out of trouble.
  • David S | You are the steady calm of the consulting services division.  Stay steady.
  • Kelvin C | Dude, you have some of the best ideas, keep up the energy, and don’t ever lose that awesome sense of humor!
  • David S | Keep up the amazing work, and tear it up with the designs.
  • Ryan P | HTML 5 RULZ!  FTW!  Yeah!
  • Justin G | The UX is amazing, you have changed Webtrends for the better.
  • Justin K | Beer, blogging, Webtrends, and more social media.  Keep up the good work, it has been a blast!
  • Kamran A | Thanks for keeping the automations going.  I knew things happened with high quality points when you were on the job!
  • Jeahna | You should just be in charge of everything.  Seriously!  You rule the house!
  • Kelly K | You are keeping this ship from going aground on many an occasion, you rock.
  • Carmen | Thanks for keeping me in line.  Somebody has to do it.  Great working with you, have a blast in ops.
  • Dave C | Thanks for leading services and keeping the keel steady through good times and rough times.
  • James M | Your leadership of partnerships is without peer.  You and Abed have been great team members and partners in business.
  • Abed | Thanks for the discussions, the camaraderie, and helping kick off some great partnerships!
  • Jascha Kaykas-Wolff | I didn’t get to work directly with you, but you have revolutionized Webtrends Marketing Group, amazing, truly awesome job!
  • Alex Yoder | Seriously, you should have taken over months before.  I’m honestly very glad you were at the helm during my time at Webtrends.  It wouldn’t have been the same.  Your leadership really helps drive the company to new heights.

If I missed anyone, my apologies, you all have been rock stars!  I loved working with the whole crew of the Webtrends Ship!  Keep sailing on the high tech channel, I wish everyone success in their endeavors.

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