Unbreaking Python Through Virtual Environments

I wrote some days ago a post “Getting Started With Python Right!“. In this post I wrote about what I’d found to be the best way to setup MacOS for Python development. In it I also added links and a few details to get a Windows or Linux machine setup right for Python development.

However, there’s more, as @tlockney (Thomas Lockney) pointed out in a comment! He detailed,

  1. Since you’re using pyenv, the version of pip you use should always be the one associated with the current version of Python, which won’t be the case when you later switch versions.
  2. People who aren’t clear on what’s going on will likely copy the code you included verbatim, so instead of aliasing the version of pip referenced in the pyenv path, it’s going to always point at the brew installed version.
  3. You really should use virtualenv for pretty much everything and try to avoid ever installing libraries into your global Python environment. If you need tools accessible outside a virtualenv, check out pipx.

Continue reading “Unbreaking Python Through Virtual Environments”

Getting Started With Python Right!

UPDATE POST Added details about virtualenv to complement this post, per Thomas’ comment in the comments section below! Read this post for MacOS specific system Python setup, then read that for more options on how to set things up right!

Recently I sat down to get started on some Python work, specifically on MacOS. I’ve written code in Python before and tried out 2.x and 3.x before. I’m going with 3.x for this and upcoming articles but one thing became apparent. The Python tech stack is still ferociously fragmented in a number of ways, and this post is to provide some clarity if this is your first endeavor into the stack. Continue reading “Getting Started With Python Right!”

AppFog, Fort of Awesome & Node PDX Updated!

Time for the secret to be out of the bag. I’m currently working on contract with the awesome company of AppFog in the Fort of Awesome. Let me tell you, it is indeed awesome too! You might ask why I am working with them? How do I align with them? What is it they do?

Well you’re in luck, I’ll tell you all about it.

A few months ago, I started really digging into PaaS more. Not that I needed a reason, because I’m one of those “PaaS is the future” guys. I see this as a huge shift, kind of like when the developer world moved on from Assembly and punch cards to C & C++. It’s a big deal, and it is shifting the way companies build apps, the way they stay competitive, and stand out and above the herd with better process, better capabilities, and more efficient operations. PaaS, is the path to tomorrow.

What is AppFog building? Currently if you’re fortunate enough to have beta access, you may be able to play with the amazing PaaS offering that they’re putting together, and I’ve stepped forward to help put even more awesome into it with their kick ass team! So what will AppFog be aiming for? Well, it is an impressive list, check it out!

Help us out, take the poll and get your favorite technology added to the list! There’s a whole list of other things that will be coming too, this is just the basic big hitters list.  🙂

In other news, Node PDX has just finished the list of speakers, we’re finalizing the rest of the sponsors and related things, and just waiting (ok, we’re really busting our butts over here running around to make sure this is a cool event for all you node coders!)

Some of the cool things you’ll be able to look forward to is…

…and awesome Saturday “open drinks” party w/ New Relic! So be sure to be there for that…

We’ve aimed to get everyone a Node PDX t-shirt…

…and more. So go get RSVPed already, time is running out.