Troubleshooting Node.js Deploys on Beanstalk – The Express v4 node ./bin/www Switch Up

I’ve gotten a ton of 502 errors and related issues that crop up when deploying the Beanstalk. One of the issues that cropped up a few times recently, until I stumbled into a working solution was the 502 NGINX error. I went digging around and ended up just trying to deploy a default, fresh from the ‘express newAppNameHere’ creation and still got the error.

I went digging through the Beanstalk configuration for the app and found this little tidbit.

Node Command (Click for full size image)
Node Command (Click for full size image)

I’ve pointed out the section where I’ve added the command.
[sourcecode language=”bash”]
node ./bin/www

Based on the commands that are executed normally, it seems `npm start` would work work to get the application started. But I have surmised the issue is that the commands are executed sequentially;

[sourcecode language=”bash”]
node server.js
node app.js
npm start

When these are executed in order, errors crop up and the command that should work `npm start` begins with a corrupted and error laden beginning. Leaving the application not running. However by adding the `node ./bin/www` to the text box all the others are skipped and this command is issued, resulting in a running application.

The other thing is to follow the now standard approach of just issue `npm start`, but being sure to replace what I put in the text box above (`node ./bin/www`) with `npm start` so that beanstalk only runs npm start instead of the ordered execution.