Coder Society Inaugural Kick Off!

As promised, the Coder Society is kicking off!  There will be more information at the Coder Society Site, but I wanted to get information posted here too. The first meeting for Coder Society in Portland will be this coming April 7th. The Seattle meeting will be on May 5th. Our first meetings will cover the following get things done goals! So bring your skills, your passion to learn, and your desire to do!

To RSVP for the Portland Meeting or RSVP for the Seattle Meeting.

Here’s a review of our goals for the meeting:

Primary Goal: PolyGlot Systems
For this we would do a simple project where we pick technologies using at least two different programming languages and have them perform different roles in an application and share information across something neutral like ZMQ or Redis. Some of the options would be to implement with C# + Node.js/JavaScript + Ruby/Sinatra is a good starting point.

Stories: We’re kicking off the meeting goal with a theme many software developers will be super familiar with. Coffee!

  • A coffee drinker wants to add a rating for the coffee beverage.
  • A coffee drinker wants to list the price of the coffee beverage.
  • A coffee drinker wants to review the Barista.
  • A coffee drinker wants to rate the Barista.
  • A coffee drinker wants to know where the beverage.
  • A coffee drinker wants to know where the Barista was working.
  • A coffee drinker doesn’t want to read huge reviews.
  • A Barista wants to be able to list their coffees they use.
  • A Barista wants to be able to comment on reviews.
  • A Barista wants to be able to list their prices for coffee.
  • A Barista wants to be able to select their specialty.
  • A Barista or coffee drinker wants to be able to add or view outlets, wifi, or other information about the coffee shop.
  • A coffee drinker wants to be able to “follow” their favorite Barista.
  • A Barista wants to be able to send an alert to all of their coffee drinkers.

Arbitrary Limits:

  • Coffee Drinks are limited to: Cappuccinos, Lattes, Mochas, Macchiatos, Espresso.
  • Server Availability: 6x Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS

Frameworks: After splitting into teams, we’ll iron out which frameworks we want to use and implement using the choice frameworks.

  • Node.js + Express.js / Bricks.js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby + Sinatra
  • Java w/ Spring
  • Python
  • Django
  • Flask
  • Assembly. Ya know, for the insanely hard core. 🙂


  • Mongo DB!


  • Bring a Laptop (or computing device you can do development on).
  • Bring some familiarity for setting up and using your development platform. This could be .NET, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Node.js, PHP, or whatever.
  • Bring a spirit to learn about new frameworks, get all polyglot, and have fun.

Meeting Workflow:

  1. The meeting will join.
  2. Teams will form.
  3. The kanban board will be explained and setup for use by the teams.
  4. We’ll unpack the user stories, setup workflow, and idea behind the meeting will be reviewed.
  5. Select team technology & domain element (barista or coffee drinker).
  6. Setup tasks within teams.
  7. Pick pairs to work on tasks.
  8. Code… implement…
  9. After implementation, we’ll review everything, and trade war stories.