How Long do You Code Per Coding Session?

I was working on getting the latest DataStax Enterprise 6 up and running via the Docker Image offerings today and I stumbled across a site called On that site was a harmless little question but something I realized I ponder a lot, and even find myself in conversation about on a regular basis. The question (link) is posed,

“How many minutes/hours do you really sit to write code at a particular moment?

I’m not saying the total summation of hours you code a day. When you really sit down to write a code for a particular task at a moment, how many minutes/hours (at worst case) do you normally sit down before you get tired? I know some take break, some say it depends on the task or the individual, I would love to hear them all, and what you do to keep your brain refreshed before getting back to coding. Thanks…”

This question, in normal coder fashion, has one simple answer the belies the actual complexity of the individual complex answers, “it depends“. So that’s the first answer, but here are some of the other answers for me. As with many of these types of questions and answers, many individual characteristics come into play for each of us, so this is indeed anecdotal scenarios for myself and very specifically YMMV for yourself! Continue reading “How Long do You Code Per Coding Session?”