Node PDX => Possible Speakers?

I started writing this blog entry about a month ago. I had not ran it by my friend Troy, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t jump the gun. However, I’d sort of let this entry get a little dusty, and Troy @thoward37 on twitter inadvertently brought up the topic and I’ve sprung this

So here it is, consider this blog article my Node PDX 2013 get the ball rolling article. Last year we (Troy, I and a team of volunteers, thanks everybody, ya’ll ROCK!) managed to put together, what we’ve been told was a totally kick ass conference, for zero cost to the conference goers, with great speakers, live video feeds and post conference videos and we did it all in about 3 weeks (maybe it was 3 weeks and 2 days). It’s how we roll, hard core, serious and dedicated to what we create and what we push forward for the community.

This year isn’t going to be an exception, only in that we’re going to give ourselves a bit more than 3 weeks. We haven’t set a date for the conference yet, but we’ll be doing that soon. What I want to throw out there is – who should we bring in to speak this year? I have a few people I’ve seen speak, or know that I’d like to hear speak and wanted to mention them right now and I apologize if this is forward, because I haven’t even spoke to them about it. So this blog entry is a complete surprise to them – so don’t set any expectations yet! Additionally, even though I want to see these individuals speak, that doesn’t mean I’m circumventing our process we used last year. Speakers will indeed have to make a git pull request against our Node PDX Github repo just like we did before.  🙂

With that said, hopefully we can get dates and times set so that these more excellent individuals and a host of others can come and speak this year, enjoy some Portland, have a beer/coffee/donut/yerba mate/ or two on us and have a great time!

Kelly Somers – I’d love to hear Kelly come into PDX and give us the lowdown on some big data, distributed systems & JavaScripty libs that help us tie all that together beautifully.

Max Ogden – This guy is hard core, seriously, coding his way around the world and getting people involved. He’s been at more civic hacks and helped connect cities in more ways than I knew one could. It’d be awesome if he could swing into town and inform us about some of those connections. (Plus, maybe we can get some proper metal thrashin’ & a guest appearance for the sound track on the upcoming hard core coder show.

Chris Williams
Twitter: Chris got off of Twitter, yet the account still exists, to focus on the things that are important – namely real life, family and people. I totally support him in his efforts. For more about Chris, check out and follow the JSConf circuit. You’ll find him organizing the hell out of the conferences and making them awesome while keeping the negativity on the run!

Angelina Fabbro – I posted some jsconf videos a while back and really enjoyed Angelina’s talk. Today via twitter, thanks to @thoward37 I now know she also likes some Club Mate

So anyway, like I was saying, no promises here. @thoward and I @adron will be kicking off the call for proposals real soon. So as always, keep reading, subscribe, and I’ll have more news soon.

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