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Velocity Proposal: I Want to Sail The ship, Not Build the Rudder

Proposal Title: I Want to Sail The Ship, Not Build the Rudder

One Liner: Setting effective goals, removing systems cruft, to achieve more building more effective higher return applications.

Abstract: As Kubernetes, cloud providers, and their platforms have come to dominance, many have found a recurring need to refocus on what the businesses actually need and want, instead of thinking of how to better approach the underlying infrastructure.

The plethora of options often leaves companies spinning their wheels on how and what to build. They focus on complexities of how to build something with projects from a constantly changing ecosystem, not on why. This is one of many reasons companies find themselves stuck trying to get a project off the ground, often choosing the wrong parts for the job.

The audience will walk away with:

With these two points I’ll present details, and concrete examples around patterns and practices for technologically aligning a project that otherwise may be going astray. With these best practices, I’ll then provide tips and tricks for teams and individual developers, and methods to not get trapped into using software could derail the project.

Topic: Leadership

Session Type: 40 minute talk.

Audience Level: Intermediate

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