Chapter 2 in My Twitch Streaming

A while back I started down the path of getting a Twitch Channel started. At this point I’ve gotten a channel setup which I’ve dubbed Thrashing Code albeit it still just has “adronhall” all over it. I’ll get those details further refined as I work on it more.

Today I recorded a new Twitch stream about doing a twitch stream and created an edited video of all the pieces and cameras and angles. I could prospectively help people get started, it’s just my experiences so far and efforts to get everything connected right. The actual video stream recording is available, and I’ll leave it on the channel. However the video I edited will be available and I’ll post a link here.

Tomorrow will be my first official Twitch stream at 3pm PST. If you’re interested in watching check out my Twitch profile here follow and it’ll ping you when I go live. This first streaming session, or episode, or whatever you want to call it, will include a couple topics. I’ll be approaching these topics from that of someone just starting, so if you join help hold me to that! Don’t let me skip ahead or if you notice I left out something key please join and chat at me during the process. I want to make sure I’m covering all the bases as I step through toward achieving the key objectives. Which speaking of…

Tomorrow’s Mission Objectives

  1. Create a DataStax Enterprise Cassandra Cluster in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Create a .NET project using the latest cross-platform magical bits that will have a library for abstracting the data source(s), a console interface for using the application, and of course a test project.
  3. Configure & connect to the distributed database cluster.

Mission Stretch Objectives

  1. Start a github repo to share the project with others.
  2. Setup some .github templates for feature request issues or related issues.
  3. Write up some Github Issue Feature requests and maybe even sdd some extra features to the CLI for…??? no idea ??? determine 2-3 during the Twitch stream.

If you’d like to follow along, here’s what I have installed. You’re welcome to a range of tooling to follow along with that is the same as what I’ve got here or a variance of other things. Feel free to bring up tooling if you’re curious about it via chat and I’ll answer questions where and when I can.

  • Ubuntu v18.04
  • .NET core v2.1
  • DataStax Enterprise v6